The Madrid Protocol is a convenient and efficient way for trademark owners worldwide to file one application to register their trademark in multiple countries. You can file for and manage your trademark’s protection in more than 120 countries and regional intellectual property offices using a single streamlined application and payment process. “Madrid Protocol” is the common name for the international trademark registration treaty that makes this process possible.
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You own a U.S. trademark application or registration and want to use the Madrid Protocol to apply for registrations in other countries.
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You have a trademark registered in a country other than the United States and want to apply for U.S. trademark registration using the Madrid Protocol.
Not sure if you should use the Madrid Protocol? Read the benefits of the Madrid System from the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). You always have the option of applying for trademark registration directly with individual countries without using the Madrid Protocol. WIPO or the “International Bureau” facilitates the Madrid Protocol and issues the international registration. Read more information on the WIPO website: